Today I ordered a case of gdiapers biodegradable refills. I looked back at my last order, and it was December 27th! When I switched over to gcloth on a trial basis, I never thought we'd last 6 months on one case of the disposable gdiapers (and they aren't even all used yet). The disposables are saved for when we don't time laundry well and run out of cloth (or are being lazy), when we're on the road, or sometimes for the heavy wetting times of day. What's amazing about gdiapers is the ease of switching between cloth and disposable all in one system. I can't say how much we've loved gdiapers the last year, and they even have wonderful customer service. Extra bonus!
For cost comparison, we used to go through a case a month. That's $175 (cheapest I can find, usually would cost about $260) in savings, minus our initial investment of about $60 for gcloth (that was on the low side since I used credits from all the other diapers I bought and got some for free). Of course I'm not factoring in extra water usage, but none of these diapers go to the landfill, so that's additional savings. And even more, we rarely deal with diaper rash issues. Happy baby means happy me.
Some things that have made cloth diapering easier include a couple wet bags to keep in the diaper bag and bathroom and our homemade diaper sprayer. I am thankful for a cloth diapering friend who pointed out both these tips. I'm sure there are other great ideas out there. We're still learning but love how well cloth diapering has gone so far.
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